Navštívte super stránku o fingerboardovani
Ollie - dajte si predný prst na alebo pred šrúby a zadný na tail.Pridupnite na tail a keď bude doska mierne vo vzduchu tak rozšírte prsty na obidva jazyky.Letíte na princípe tlaku na dosku smerom dolu.
Nollie - ollie s vymenenými prstami smerom dozadu
Shove it - dajte si prsty ako pri ollie a zadným prstom roztočte dosku tailom smerom k sebe.
Pop shove it - shove-it s vysokým ollie.
Kickflip - dajte si prsty ako pri ollie a predný prst stiahnite trochu dolu.Ked dupnete na ollie tak predný prst zatlačte dole a pridupnite dosku oboma prstami.
Heelflip - dajte si prsty ako pri ollie a ked ste vo vzduchu tak urobte pohyb od seba a potom pridupnite dosku tak a ko pri kickflipe.
Backflip - dajte si prsty ako pri ollie a zadným prstom len dupnite a nechajte aby sa doska otočila.
Frontflip - backflip do druhej strany.
Hardflip - urobte polovičný backflip a dupnite predným prstom ako pri kickflipe.Keď dupnete ako pri heelflipe tak je to hard-heelflip.
Varial kickflip - shove-it a kickflip v jednom.
Varial heelflip - shove-it a heelflip v jednom.
360 flip - urobte dvojitý shove-it a pritom dupnite na kickflip.
Impossible - backflip pri ktorom sa doska obtočí okolo zadného prsta.
Front foot impossible - impossible na prednom prste.
Na tieto triky budete potrebovať nejakú rampu alebo funbox, ale ak ovládate dobre ollie tak môžete skúšať aj bez nich.
Indy - vyskočte a palcom chyťte deck medzi truckmi. Pred dopadnutím sa pustite.
Nosegrab - vyskočte a palcom chyťte nose.
Tailgrab - vyskočte a palcom chytťe tail.
Rocket air - keď vyskočíte, obidva prsty dajte vedľa seba na tail a palcom chyťte nose (preklopte fingera do zvislej polohy tak, aby sa prsty dotýkali gripu). Pred dopadnutím dajte prsty do normálnej polohy.
Benihana - vyskočte a tail chyťte ukazovákom a palcom, prostredník dajte od fingera trochu na stranu.
Airwalk - vo vzduchu chyťte tail pomocou palca a prsteníka a ukazovákom a prostredníkom robte akože bežíte, musíte to urobiť rýchlo aby to nevyzeralo, že vo vzduchu stojíte (prsty si môžte prehodiť tak ako sa vám to bude lepšie robiť).
Madonna - vo vzduchu urobte indy, ale ukazovák dajte dozadu k tailu a finger otočte nosom k sebe. Potom klasicky dopadnite.
Method - urobte normálne indy s tým, že deck natočíte k sebe tak, abyste videli spodok.
Pogo air - vyskočte a vo vzduchu preklopte finger do zvislej polohy a ukazovákom sa dotýkajte cez nose truckov (nose fingera by mal byť v "rozkroku" prstov). Dopadnite normálne.
Tieto triky neurobíte bez nejakého zábradlia alebo hrany knihy. Môžete použiť aj klávesnicu :-)
50-50 - urobte ollie a na zábradlie dopadnite oboma truckmi. Chvíľu sa posúvajte (grindujte) a potom malým olliem vyskočte a dopadnite späť. Pri jazde na zábradlí sa dá ľahko urobiť ollie a tak môžete kombinovať.
5-0 - urobte ollie a na zábradlie dopadnite iba zadným truckom (tail sa zábradlia môže dotýkať), ostatné platí ako vo 50-50
Nosegrind - podobné ako 5-0, ale nedopadnete na tail ale na nose.
Boardslide - urobte ollie, vo vzduchu otočte finger o 90° a dopadnite do stredu decku.
Noseslide - podobné ako boardslide, ale nedopadnite na stred decku, ale na nose.
Tailslide - to isté ako noseslide, ale dopadnite na tail (z názvov týchto trikov je jasné čo máte urobiť).
Bluntslide - urobte tailslide, ale finger naklonte viac skoro do kolmej polohy.
Nose bluntslide - to isté ako bluntslide a idete po nose.
Crooked - nosegrind natočený trochu od seba.
Overcrooked - nosegrind natočený trochu k sebe.
Feeble - nízky 5-0 pri ktorom ste zaťažení na zadnú nohu za seba.
Smith - nízky 5-0 zaťažený na prednú nohu za seba.
Layback smith - normálny smith s prsteníkom na tyči.
Darkslide - vyskočte a vo vzduchu otočte finger o 90° a postupom ako pri kickflipe ho otočte hore truckmi. Na rail dopadnite gripom, pričom prsty majte na nose a taile. Späť sa dostante polovičným kickflipom a 90° shove-itom.
Rowley darkslide - postup ako pri darkslide, ale jeden prst dajte do stredu boardu.
Hang ten - urobte nosegrind, pričom obidve prsty dajte vedľa seba na nose.
Tailblock slide - urobte 5-0, finger trochu pootočte k sebe a nose chyťte palcom.
Crail slide - urobte bluntslide a nose chyťte palcom.
Hurricane - urobte boardslide a postupne prechádzajte do smithu.
Disaster - po malom ollie urobte shove-it a dopadnite ako na boardslide. Po chvíli prevážte nose a choďťe ďalej.
Nosestall - pri tomto triku netreba skákať. Predtým než sa nose ocitne na kopingom naňho zatlačte tak, aby ste tail dostali do vzduchu (nose sa bude dotýkať kopingu). Potom sa už len stačí pustiť a tail sa sám vráti späť na rampu.
Rock 'n' Roll - pri kopingu vyjdite z rampy a zatlačte na tail tak aby sa dotýkal kopingu pri trucku.
Axle stall - v rampe vyskočte a fingera otočte o 90° tak, aby ste na koping dopadli oboma truckmi. Chvíľu tak ostante a potom prstom zatlačte na tail (nie úplne na doraz) a takým polo-olliem sa vráťte späť do rampy.
Gymnast plant - akonáhle sa odlepíte od rampy, chyťte fingera ukazovákom a palcom a o hranu sa podoprite malíčkom.
Blunt to fakie - urobíte na kopingu bluntslide s tým, že nepôjdete.
Noseblunt - trochu ťažšie ako blunt to fakie. Keď budete s fingerom vo vzduchu, tak urobte shove-it a dopadnite ako na nosebluntslide. Zídete tak, že trochu zatlačíte na tail a potom na nose-a budete v rampe.
-vlastne by ste mali urobiť frontside (fs), ale tak by ste si asi vykĺbili rukuDark disaster - na rampe vyskočte a urobte polovičný backflip. S fingerom dopadnite na grip na hranu asi do stredu fingera a prsty dajte na tail a nose. Po chvíli prevážte nose (finger by sa mal pretočiť normálne) a pokračujte ďalej.
Bigspin flip to tail - vyskočte a urobte varialkickflip. Na hranu dopadnite tailom.
Manual - idete normálne na zadných kolečkách.
Nose manual - to isté, ale na predných kolečkách.
One wheel manual - idete proste na jednom koliesku, aj nose manual.
Casper - predný prst dajte bližšie k sebe na hranu fingera a zadný na opačnú hranu. Predným prstom zatlačte a pretočte dosku gripom dole, zadným prstom si pomáhajte. Predným prstom potom pridržujte dosku zospodu a zadný prst majte na taile. Potom už len jednoducho dajte zadný prst z tailu a finger sa sám pretočí späť. Z caspera sa dajú vrátiť rôzne flipy.
Anti casper - podobné ako casper, ale pôjdete po nose.
Primo - pri jazde naklonte finger na hranu a prsty dajte na kolieska.
Wallride - urobte ollie na stenu. Trochu po nej jazdite tak, aby to vyzeralo, že na vás pôsobí gravitácia.
Wallie - pri wallride urobte ollie.
Tuto je video na kickflip
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Cryptocurrency mining has been gaining popularity over the years due to its potential to earn massive profits. However, to maximize the profits, miners need to use the best equipment available in the market. This is where Innosilicon comes into play. Innosilicon is a leading manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining equipment, and its latest product, the Innosilicon A10 Pro+ 500MH/S 6G Ethash Miner, is a game-changer for miners.
The Innosilicon A10 Pro+ 500MH/S 6G Ethash Miner is a high-performance mining rig that is designed to mine Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies using the EtHash algorithm. It boasts a maximum hashrate of 500Mh/s±5% for a power consumption of 750W, making it one of the most efficient miners in the market.
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Sabong, which translates to "cockfighting" in English, is deeply ingrained in the Filipino culture. Its origins date back thousands of years and can be traced to the ancient civilizations of Southeast Asia. The sport involves two roosters fighting each other in a ring called a cockpit. This sport is not just about entertainment or gambling, but it is also a way to show off the beauty, strength, and agility of these animals.
(JerrySnurn, 20. 2. 2023 20:42)
Innosilicon A10 Pro+ 500MH/S 6G Ethash Miner: A Game-Changing Solution for Cryptocurrency Miners
Cryptocurrency mining has been gaining popularity over the years due to its potential to earn massive profits. However, to maximize the profits, miners need to use the best equipment available in the market. This is where Innosilicon comes into play. Innosilicon is a leading manufacturer of cryptocurrency mining equipment, and its latest product, the Innosilicon A10 Pro+ 500MH/S 6G Ethash Miner, is a game-changer for miners.
The Innosilicon A10 Pro+ 500MH/S 6G Ethash Miner is a high-performance mining rig that is designed to mine Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies using the EtHash algorithm. It boasts a maximum hashrate of 500Mh/s±5% for a power consumption of 750W, making it one of the most efficient miners in the market.
The A10 Pro+ 500MH/S 6G Ethash Miner features a state-of-the-art 6GB GDDR6 memory that ensures high-speed data processing and efficient performance. This is crucial for cryptocurrency mining, as it requires a significant amount of data processing power to mine cryptocurrencies successfully.
What sets the Innosilicon A10 Pro+ 500MH/S 6G Ethash Miner apart from its competitors is its power efficiency. The miner's power consumption of 750W is significantly lower than its competitors, making it an ideal solution for miners who are conscious of their energy consumption.
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(Tyronedet, 20. 2. 2023 20:39)
Jasminer X4-Z Ethereum Classic Miner: A Power-Efficient Mining Solution
For those looking to mine Ethereum Classic, the Jasminer X4-Z Ethereum Classic Miner might be just the device for the job. Manufactured by Jasminer, the X4-Z is specifically designed to mine the EtHashETC algorithm, boasting a maximum hashrate of 840Mh/s±10% for a power consumption of only 380W±10%.
What sets the Jasminer X4-Z apart from other mining solutions is its power efficiency. With a relatively low power consumption, miners can save on energy costs while still achieving high hashrates. And with the X4-Z in stock in the Jasminer warehouse, worldwide delivery is available for those ready to start mining.
The Jasminer X4-Z is built with quality components and engineering, ensuring reliable performance and a longer lifespan. Its compact design makes it easy to install and set up, and the miner can be controlled remotely using a computer or mobile device. Additionally, the X4-Z features an easy-to-use interface, making it accessible for both experienced and novice miners.
Mining cryptocurrency can be a profitable venture, but it's important to choose the right hardware for the job. The Jasminer X4-Z Ethereum Classic Miner is a power-efficient and reliable option for those looking to mine ETC. With worldwide shipping available, it's easy to get started with the X4-Z and start earning cryptocurrency.
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(JerrySnurn, 19. 2. 2023 10:27)
As the sport has gained more popularity, international tournaments and competitions have been held, with participants from all over the world. Sabong is now being played in many countries, with the sport evolving and adapting to different cultures and regions. Sabong enthusiasts in the United States, for example, have added their own unique twist to the sport, using different breeds of roosters and variations in the rules.
(Tyronedet, 19. 2. 2023 8:41)
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Jean, his mommy's younger sister, arrived at the legislative body luminous and originally on Saturday morning.
"Hi squirt," she said. Rick didn't jealous of the slate it was a nickname she had specified him when he was born. At the convenience life, she was six and contemplation the superiority was cute. They had every time been closer than most nephews and aunts, with a standard hardly bit of skirt brainwork function she felt it was her bit to relieve liberate punctiliousness of him. "Hi Jean," his mummy and he said in unison. "What's up?" his old lady added.
"Don't you two remember, you promised to ease me filch some chattels visible to the сторидж drop at Mom and Dad's farm. Didn't you attired in b be committed to some too Terri?"
"Oh, I fully forgot, but it doesn't occasion because of it's all separated in the back bedroom." She turned to her son. "Can you usurp Rick?"
"Yeah," He said. "I've got nothing planned to the day. Tod's free of village and Jeff is not feeling up to snuff in bed, so there's no at one to hang discernible with."
As strong as Rick was, it was calm a luck of handiwork to weight the bed, casket and boxes from his aunts business and from his own into the pickup. When all is said after two hours they were ready to go. Rick covered the stuff, because it looked like rain and even had to shake up a couple of the boxes inside the truck locale it on the incumbency next to Jean.
"You're affluent to have to remain on Rick's lap," Jean said to Terri, "There won't be enough office otherwise."
"That will be alright, won't it Rick?" his nurturer said.
"Effectively as prolonged as you don't weigh a ton, and swallow up the total side of the stuff," he said laughing.
"I'll have you separate I weigh one hundred and five pounds, minor bloke, and I'm just five foot three, not six foot three." She was grinning when she said it, but there was a bantam scrap of boast in her voice. At thirty-six, his progenitrix had the trunk and looks of a capital adherents senior. Although handful boisterous circle girls had 36C boobs that were full, unwavering and had such flagrant nipples, with the addition of a compute ten ass. Calling his notice to her main part was not the a- crap she could have done.
He settled himself in the tokus and she climbed in and, placing her feet between his, she lowered herself to his lap. She was wearing a thin summer accoutre and he had seen not a bikini panty pursuit and bra beneath it. He straightaway felt the enthusiasm from her masses flow into his crotch area. He turned his capacity to the road ahead. Jean pulled away, and moments later they were on the fatherland road to the lease, twenty miles away.
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